Arti Spot


Arti-Spot is an indicating paint
Upon application, it leaves a 3 micron layer only
Works on the principle of frictional color transfer
Used to quantify occlusal reduction with Prepgauge
Used to check internal fit of crowns and bridges
Used to gauge proximal contact tightness
Can easily be wiped off without leaving residue
Totally safe with no allergic reactions

Availability: Out of stock SKU: SKU645 Category:

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Arti-Spot 2 is a red contact color for testing the adequacy of occlusal clearance, fitting of prostheses and proximal contacts with ease.
It is to be applied with a brush. Its solvent evaporates in seconds, leaving a thin film 3µ thick. Every contact destroys the color exactly at the point of contact (Frictional colour transfer). The underlying material then shines clearly through and high spots can easily be detected.

The food dye contained in Arti-Spot is completely safe.

Arti-Spot 2 can easily be removed after use. Hot water, mechanical friction, alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and steaming will also loosen residual color deposits.


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